Aphrodite Release

Aphrodite Release (September 2021)

The following updates have been made in the period from 19 February 2021 - 31 August 2021 - the changes added below are included in the Aphrodite release.

This page will be regularly updated to display the features in each release. It is important if you are a client to review these regularly, particularly configuration options which you may need to turn on. We release updates in this way - wherever possible - so clients can control changes where it may interfere with the user's interface and forewarn appropriately.

bespoke e-learning production

Open eLMS


  • Accessibility audit recommendations implemented
  • Improved integration with Outlook calendar
  • Integrated form builder (Credas)
  • Mobile adaptability changes applied - completely new redesign of the mobile experience.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) on Google and Microsoft Authenticator. Now selectable for certain roles.
  • Open Badges format Badgr added to system
  • Open eLMS APIs extended to assign learners to courses and groups
  • Learner

  • Allows remote registration of users in third party websites via an iframe
  • Certificates added to lessons
  • Confirmation emails/warning message when learner uploads files/completes learning
  • Interface changes to learner progress dashboard
  • Learner navigation via browser buttons improved
  • Onboarding apprenticeship system added
  • Opening learner screen (calendar, learning or tasks) now configurable
  • Option to hide learning resources that are embedded in lessons to reduce information overload
  • Teams and Zoom now added for contacting colleagues
  • URLs now added to learner uploads
  • Manager

  • Add bulletin board to events
  • Add status option to learning programmes
  • Define events as visible on either learner/manager's schedule or both (default option)
  • Groups can now be assigned to managers/tutors
  • Jamboard integration
  • Make learning resources instructor lead in scheduled events
  • Yammer integration
  • Curriculum Developer

  • Curriculum Developers can schedule events for multiple trainers/tutors etc.
  • GO1 integration allows for searching of entire library from within Open eLMS
  • H5P integration
  • Multiple versions of learning resources can be created and duplicated
  • Administrator

  • Competencies linked to jobs to display desired attainment levels to learner
  • Enhanced MS Power BI dataset export
  • Learning records editable to amend import errors
  • New branding configuration options
  • Password configuration options added (expiry, format, number of attempts etc.)
  • Query builder added to learning resources, events, groups etc. to add/remove personnel depending upon characteristics (competencies, location etc.)
  • Reporting fields added with programme/curriculum criteria and sub-criteria added
  • Soft delete implemented for events - this guards against data input errors.
  • The number of bulk tasks increased via admin interface
  • Updated ILR (UK Apprenticeship Data Standard)
  • User approval process after registration with email alerts on approval.

    • New Configuration Options Open eLMS

      Open eLMS has now over 150 configuration options, these can be found by logging in as an administrator and going to Admin > Site Setup > Defaults > Configuration. Use the information below to make sure your settings are configured to utilise these latest features.

      Configuration Name

      Configuration Key

      Configuration Description

      Explanation Video

      Hide learning resources in lessons


      Hide resources in Learner interface if they are in Lesson

      Remote Registration in iframe


      Allow Registration the "/register" extension to be used on remote sites.

      Launch button text in Learners interface


      Customise the button launch text in Learners interface. Empty value displays the default "Launch resource" on the button.

      Show gauge in Learners interface


      This shows the overall progress gauge for learners in a the header of the learner`s interface.

      Hide Curriculum Matching


      This hides the functionality to allow learners to match their submitted work to parts of the curriculum.

      Promo Image gradient


      Show gradient overlay on the promo image in the learner's interface.



      Embeds H5P into Open eLMS for the use of the creation of microlearning objects.

      Welcome text in log-in screen


      If empty, will use default.

      Title used in HTML tag


      Changing this replaces 'eLearning WMB Learning Management System'

      Help Video


      Setting this value changes the default learner's help video to one of your choice.

      Peer to Peer Video


      Setting this value to true, will enable learners to communicate with each other via Skype etc. from within the Open eLMS learner interface.

      Show old MAYTAS import option


      Will allow importing of Maytas export files, set this to False if not using this software.

      Contact your colleagues


      Show “contact your colleagues“ section in the Learner interface when the [Launch Conversation] button is clicked.

      Group categories by programme


      Categories only show learning resources for each programme separately e.g. if a Business and Marketing course both have an ‘Administration’ category, then this appears as two Administration categories for each programme on the category opening page.

      Status of Badges API


      If empty, will use default.



      This defines the API key, region and status of this open badges service.

      Task list shows calendar entries only


      Setting this value to False will show all tasks (including those with no expected deadline or appointment associated with it that does not appear on the users or managers calendars.)

      Task list sorted by expected completion date


      Setting this value to true will sort these tasks by the latest task first, if false then the earliest task will be the first listed (i.e. the one that the user is most behind with.)

      Task list filtered by a selected type when loads


      If a task type is entered then the list is filtered by this task when it is first loaded.

      Google Jamboard


      This sets up API connection with the Google Jamboard smartboard service.

      Multifactor Authentication for Roles


      Enable Multi Factor Authentication for all role types, if you want to disable this feature for particular roles, then edit the role and select to "Disable MFA for this role"

      Show only assigned categories for Learner


      Show only categories that are linked with resources assigned to Learner, learner interface. Upload/Evidence/Blog entry, etc...

      Custom Programme Status


      Setting this value to true allows the user to be defined by additional customisable statuses. This allows more granularity to the standard Not Started, In Progress and Completed statuses - this does not replace these core statuses though.

      Approve learners before use


      If this is set to true, then any user who self-register on the system will need to be approved before using the system.

      Password Expiry in Days


      Entering a number here will set a number of days after which a password will need to be refreshed. The user will get warned of this on logon.

      Password Maximum Attempts


      Entering a number here will limit the number of access attempts allowed.

      Open eLMS Creator

      • Images, videos etc now have their aspect ratio (proportional dimensions) maintained when resizing.
      • Alt text added to images to aid accessibility
      • Loading process redesigned for smoother loading
      • Option to keep course open after submitting an assessment
      • Animations can be uploaded
      • Screens can be made to remain on screen for a set time, prior to progression
      • Mute button in edit mode does not hide the video presenter
      • Customisable button sets for Open eLMS Creator

      Open eLMS Catalogue

      • 35 (various) courses in 5 languages
      • Adult and child obesity
      • Armed forces covenant
      • Customer Service Techniques
      • Climate change
      • FGM and honour based violence
      • Life story work


      The following list of features has been planned for the next quarter to mid December 2021. The impetus behind these changes is to add better integration of the system with the best third party systems especially focussed on the Open eLMS Classroom technology ...

      • Add customisable learning resource types
      • Add radio and checkbox buttons to the Open eLMS Creator toolbox
      • Allow for student enrolment on events
      • Embedding AI video presenters in Open eLMS Creator
      • Enhance discussion boards
      • Enhance access restrictions (check for IP in a range etc.)
      • Enhance calendar integration with Google and Outlook
      • Enhance RSS feeds
      • Get Teams video recordings automatically from One Drive
      • Integrate further options into Open eLMS Classroom
      • Open eLMS App
      • Visually display Learning Pathways

      Previous Release

      Should you wish to review the changes made during the last release, please visit the Morpheus release page.

      User Groups

      We are inviting clients to create user groups where you can communicate with other clients and explore and share your ideas with us, If you are interested please contact your account manager or support@elearningwmb.com for further details.